Concert Review and Photos: ROYAL REPUBLIC at Manchester Academy 2

Royal Republic

Manchester Academy 2  – 31 March 2017

The Weekend-Man is back and on the start of the weekend, so it’s great already!

Royal RepublicSwedish rockers Royal Republic return to Manchester with their addictive happy vibes. It’s been just over a year but Royal Republic have been back in the UK three times and last march they supported Theory of a Deadman, which received a great response from the crowd as a lot of people didn’t know what to expect. This prompted a return in October with a headline tour, which was pretty much sold out on each gig. With the Manchester show Royal Republic performed in the Club Academy, and tonight it’s a venue upgrade to Academy 2 which is double the size. And on top of this, Royal Republic are headlining this tour, showing that people across the world are loving the sweet swedes!

Opening the show with “When I See You Dance with Another,” then cranking out “Walk!,” these fast, upbeat, catchy tracks let you relax and just have fun tonight. “Make Love Not War (If You Have to Make War – Make Sure to Make Time to Make Love in Between)” – Yes, this is the long official name for the track and yes, it’s funny, but of course it’s a crowd pleaser. Every time this track gets played mid-set, lead singer and guitarist Adam Grahn says he’s glad to be back in Manchester. But in the holy grail of performing this track, a random punter, male or female, is picked to be the star of the song and the chorus is sung with spotlights and non-stop eye contact to the catchy beat.

If that doesn’t make you giddy then this next banger will – “Underwear.” Yes, it sounds bad but the lyrics are cheesy and catchy as hell, which makes you sing this in confidence. But don’t sing this in public, as others might give you the weird nutter look.

Adam speaks to the crowd asking, “who has seen us in October?” Over half the venue has, so there are a lot of new listeners, which is good. But Adam has a plan. He knows the hardcore fans know what’s in store, so tonight is spiced-up a bit to deter. “So, you know all my tricks do ya? Well I’ve came here with a new trick; can you feel a presence? Can you feel a spirit? Ladies and gentlemen, it’s the Weekend Man!”

Another good highlight of the night is the fantastic single, “Everybody Wants to Be an Astronaut.” “Hands, we need hands for this.” The audience members sing and wave their hands from side to side for the whole song.

Royal RepublicAfter this the acoustic guitar is whipped out and of course they sing “Wonder Wall” …I’m kidding, it’s much better – an acoustic rendition of “Addictive.” And yes, saying “a-dic-dic-dic-dic-tive” loud as hell makes it funnier. And then kicking into full swing with “Kung Fu Lovin’.”

The set ends, but not for long. A five-song encore with “Here I Come (There You Go),” “Follow the Sun,” “Walking Down the Line.” They included a cover of Iron Maiden’s “Fear the Dark,” and to be honest, they smashed it! The set ended with “Full Steam Spacemachine” – one of the most demanded tracks of the night.

Sadly, that’s the end of the set. Royal Republic yet again never fail to keep you entertained. Rock n’ Roll, funny stories and having class is a total win! Really hope to see those guys again!  Until next time, Chris signing off.

Photos by Christopher James Ryan

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