Album Review: ANOTHER LOST YEAR – Alien Architect

People who review albums, like I do, usually listen to a band for the first time and are able to put a genre label on a band.  Another Lost Year is not a band that can be labeled as belonging in a certain genre.  I had heard Another Lost Year prior to their new album, and was convinced they were a regular metal band.  Alien Architect changed my mind.  Another Lost Year has a unique mixture of metal, bluesy rock and just regular rock-n-roll, it’s refreshing and needed in a world of cookie cutter sound-a-likes.  The new album, available June 10th, is a delightful offering of feel good, lyrically profound songs to borderline metal adrenaline filled gems. [columns] [column size=”1/3″]

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Artist: Another Lost Year
Album Title: Alien Architect
Release Date: 10 June 2016
Label: Mirage M’hal Records/EMP/eOne
[list style=”music”] [li]Intro[/li] [li]Wolves[/li] [li]Bastard Sons[/li] [li]Trigger Finger[/li] [li]Best Is Yet To Come[/li] [li]Run The Tank Out[/li] [li]This Is Life[/li] [li]He Took Beautiful Away[/li] [li]Memories[/li] [li]We All Die Alone[/li] [li]On And On[/li] [li]Holding On/Letting Go[/li] [/list]
[/column] [/columns] The album starts off with a brilliant sound clip from HBO’s “Newsroom” that will resonate with every patriot within ear shot.  The soundbite transitions into the metal-encrusted fist pumping of “Wolves.”  This track is melodic but monochromatic in a dark but delicious way.  The vocals drive home the importance of what vocalist Clinton Cunanan is singing, something which some lead singers can never achieve.  This track will get your blood pumping and ready to rally.  “Bastard Sons” is a musically sound, lyrically thought provoking track.  Strong composition with ingenious lead guitar riffs. “Trigger Finger” has a rhythm section that is rock solid, supporting borderline beautiful lead vocals.  “Best Is Yet To Come” is a straight up an ‘unballady’ ballad, off kilter love song sort of track. Great broken tempo in the bridge, and melodic guitar riffs.  “Run The Tank Out” is a fun, rise up and get wild song. Great forceful tempo, with brilliant bass effects in bridge. This track will make you speed if you are listening to it in your car – I advise you to set your cruise control.  “This Is The Life” has a desolate tone, with dark vocals that drip with gravity.  Heavy handed guitar riffs add to overall depth of this song.  “He Took Beautiful Away” builds on a great Hook, with stripped down production.  Raw and gritty, yet uplifting in a sad but hopeful way. Any woman that has ever had her heart broken by a ratfink man needs to listen to this track until she realizes she is beautiful and it is his loss. “Memories” is next and the sense of loss is palpable in this song. It’s sad, it will make you reminisce, and it is beautiful.  I dare you to get through this song without tearing up, especially during the vocal harmony in the chorus.  “We All Die Alone” is an aggressive, grab you by the balls song; the type of song that incites a feeling of invincibility, and to look death in the face and laugh. “On and On” is filled with gritty, pleading vocals.  Slightly veiled sadness hovering above jagged guitar lines and staggered percussion. “Holding On/Letting Go” features great haunting effects on the vocals, which help create a heartfelt, feel good, inspirational track, and a good wrap up for the album.

Another Lost Year is hitting the road on June 2, to support the new album, and if you click the link below you will be able to get your fanny perpendicular to a show.  I have also included all the other links for you, so you may fill your life with all that is Another Lost Year.  Remember this dynamic new album by Another Lost Year drops June 10th, prepare accordingly.

For More Information Please Visit:

Twitter: @Official_ALY
Instagram: @anotherlostyear

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