Album Review: FINNTROLL – Natten Med De Levande Finntroll

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Artist: Finntroll
Album Title: Natten Med De Levande Finntroll (Night Of The Living Finntroll)
Release Date: June 17th, 2014
Label: Spinefarm Records (Digital Only)
[list style=”bullseye”] [li]Kitteldags[/li] [li]Slaget Vid Blodsälv[/li] [li]Blodnatt[/li] [li]Nedgång[/li] [li]Nattfödd[/li] [li]Ursvamp[/li] [li]Eliytres[/li] [li]Aldhissla[/li] [li]Jaktens Tid[/li] [li]Rivfader[/li] [li]Korpens Saga[/li] [li]Trollhammaren[/li] [li]Fiskarens Fiende[/li] [li]Svartberg[/li] [li]Försvinn Du Som Lyser[/li] [li]Midnattens Widunder[/li] [li]En Mäktig Här[/li] [li]Det Iskalla Trollblodet[/li] [li]Segersång[/li] [/list]
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Out of the dark, primeval forests of ancient Scandinavia emerge seven mischievous musical creatures working together to bring us an unforgettably unique evening of intoxicating debauchery and euphonious mayhem.

Founded in 1997, Finntroll has established itself as one of the most uncommon and original acts ever to hit the pagan metal scene, weaving a musical tapestry that is wonderfully eclectic, full of rich textures and vibrant colors, as they skillfully stitch together the legends and folk melodies of ancient Scandinavia with the modern sounds of melodic death metal.

Finntroll fans have waited patiently for an “official” live recording and Spinefarm Records delivers a true gem with Natten Med De Levande Finntroll (Night of the Living Finntroll), a rollicking 19-song romp through the woodlands and swamps of a long forgotten time.  Recorded in Amsterdam on September 20, 2008 at the renowned Melkweg Concert Hall, the production on this album is well-rounded and has an open and organic feel, while the performance of the group is energetic and maniacal, often working toward a delirious frenzy.

Recorded almost six years ago, the live set is comprised of selections from the first four Finntroll studio albums and the 2004 EP Trollhammaren, a combination that should please the pointy troll ears of any fan of classic Finntroll.  You can check out the official track order below.  There are five tracks from the 1999 debut album, Midnattens widunder  (The Beasts of Midnight): “Blodnatt,” “Rivfader,” “Svartberg,” “Midnattens widunder,” and “Segersång.”

Added in are four songs from the second album from 2001, Jaktens Tid (The Time of the Hunt): “Kitteldags,” “Slaget Vid Blodsälv,” “Aldhissla,” and the title track “Jaktens Tid.”  There are two tracks off of the 2004 EP Trollhammaren (Troll Hammer), “Försvinn Du Som Lyser,” and the title track “Trollhammaren,” which also appeared on the third studio album, Nattfödd (Night Born), also released in 2004.

Five tunes come from Nattfödd: the title track “Nattfödd,” “Ursvamp,” “Eliytres,”  the previously mentioned “Trollhammaren,” and “Fiskarens Fiende.”  Rounding out the set are three songs from the fourth album Ur jordens djup (From the Depths of the Earth), released in 2007: “Nedgång,” “Korpens Saga,” and “En Mäktig Här.”

Although the songs are sung in Swedish, it really doesn’t impact the experience if you don’t understand the lyrics, because Finntroll’s music is fun and musically interesting, as they incorporate orchestral and folk instrumentation by way of keyboards and synths.  It is a “live experience,” both visual and aural, like a living artistic canvas on which they paint with broad strokes and bold colors, drawing from a rich history and many different cultural musical traditions. Adding to the overall ambiance of the performance is an ongoing background track played during the live set with sounds of crickets and other nighttime forest noises, transporting the audience and listener into the realm of Finntroll.

Natten Med De Levande Finntroll is a must-have for any dedicated Finntroll fan.  Followers of the group have been waiting a long time for a live recording, and this album has a great full set to offer. The music is unique and vibrant in color and tonality, and the performance is exceptional.  This is music to drink to, so fill your cups with ale and hoist them high!


Finntroll is:  Vreth (Vocals), Routa (Guitars), Skrymer (Guitars), Trollhorn (Keyboards/Guitar), Virta (Keyboards), Tundra (Bass), Beast Dominator (Drums)

Thomas Woroniak

Thomas is the Owner, Editor, Photographer, and Journalist at AntiHero Magazine. Based in the Kansas City, MO area, he combines his passion for music with his skills as a concert photographer and writer. When he's not capturing electrifying moments in the photo pit, Thomas works as a web developer and freelance motion graphics designer. A guitarist with a background in music composition from the University of Illinois at Chicago, he brings a unique creative perspective to everything he does. -- Author: Thomas Woroniak

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