Interview: Brad Walst of THREE DAYS GRACE

Brad Walst: “I think it’s gonna be a greater record than Human.”

During the last day of Rock for People in Czech Republic we had a chance to chat a bit with the bassist of Three Days Grace, Brad Walst. Although tired as hell, he still managed to talk to us about their new album, what he thinks about covers, and the best place to play.

ANTIHERO: How is it to be back in Czech Republic for you?

Brad Walst: It’s amazing! We did this festival about two years ago, Rock for People, and it was amazing, so we love it here.

ANTIHERO: You have been here in Czech Republic every year for the last three years. Does it have a special place in your heart then?

Brad Walst: Oh, definitely. You know it is pretty amazing when you grow up in a band and you never really imagine yourself playing across the world. We are from Canada, so this is very special for us.

ANTIHERO: So, what’s it like to play an US festival and then one in Europe?

Brad Walst: Eh yeah, a little bit different. I find that over in Europe there is more diverse bands on the line up, you know like different genres, which I find really cool. In America, a lot of times it’s just rock bands, very similar.

ANTIHERO: Not like Rock for People, right?

Brad Walst: Yeah, here you can hear everything, which is awesome, that’s why I think it’s special.

ANTIHERO: You are about to head back into the studio at the end of July. Was the writing process somehow different since your last album Human, since this new record is a second one with Matt on board?

Brad Walst: We did a lot of the last album already in the studio. This time around we actually have fifteen songs done and ready to go. So, now we just have to go to the studio and have the record done. And it has a different vibe too, you know… the last record Human was the first record with my brother Matt singing, so you know, it is a different process. But now Matt is so comfortable; it’s just very easy. It’s going to be a great record.

ANTIHERO: What is the writing process for the new album? Who brings in the main ideas?

Brad Walst: We’ve always contributed equally. Since day one anybody would come with an idea and we just played it out. And we all collaborate together, we also have some friends down in the States that we collaborate with and it’s an open book, you know…

ANTIHERO: Were you somehow thinking on changing your original sound with this new record or can we expect the well-balanced soft and good-old Three Days Grace style?

Brad Walst: It is very similar, yeah… Personally, I think it’s gonna be a greater record than Human. It’s a little bit heavier, so I’m really excited to get into the studio.

ANTIHERO: Do you plan to do some guest vocal collaborations on your future projects?

Brad Walst: That would be really cool. We actually talked about it for this record, we had a couple of guys in mind, but we will see how it goes.

ANTIHERO: Care to share who?

Brad Walst: Oh, I can’t tell you that. (Laughing)

ANTIHERO: Well, I needed to try anyways. (Laughing) So, how about covers then? Do you have any special feelings towards covers? Especially since so far you included only Michael Jackson’s song “Give it to Me” as a cover on Transit of Venus.

Brad Walst: Covers? Yeah, we actually just did one recently, a Phantogram cover, “You Don’t Get Me High Anymore”. So yeah, we do covers quite often, it usually comes from being in rehearsal, jamming like: “Oh, that sounds pretty cool, lets record it.” I don’t know if we will put one on album this time or not, but well, you never know.

ANTIHERO: If you could play a concert at one place you never did, where It would be?

Brad Walst: I don’t know… (Laughing) You know what? My favorite, honestly, I am not just saying it, are fans in Eastern Europe for sure. I think they are just the most passionate and the most excited fans. So, I am gonna say Eastern Europe. We love it here.

ANTIHERO: What a nice wrap up. (Laughing) Thank you, Brad.

Brad Walst: (Laughing) Thank you, too.

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