MOTOGRATER – One of the Hardest Working Bands in the Industry

The statement, “that band is one of the hardest working ones in the industry,” is a phrase that is thrown around easily and rarely with any in-depth thought of what the statement means. I am confident that people who are fans of bands in the world of metal music have stated that phrase with more conviction and firsthand knowledge than most other genre’s fans combined. A touring band, at any level, has its obstacles on the road to overcome, but it’s bands like Motograter that have proven time and time again that they deserve to be labeled “One of the Hardest Working Band in the Industry.” I have personally heard fans of other bands at shows comment on how the members of Motograter work their asses off on stage at every show. Moto fans are constantly reminiscing about how certain members have been injured or ill, and still gave 100% on stage, then went to the Emergency Room. It seems that no matter what life throws at the Moto guys, they get back up, rub some dirt on it and keep on course to fulfill their dreams.


February 3, 2017 marked opening day of Motograter‘s first tour of the year, hitting the stage in Las Vegas with Pavement Record superstars (hed) p.e. Fans, new and seasoned, that were lucky to be at the first Moto show of this run, hit social media with a vengeance, singing the praises of the painted badasses. Comments ranged from “Best band ever” to “I never want them to stop playing!” Motograter seems to have one of the most loyal and supportive group of fans in the metal music world. I always like to pick the brains of fans that would seemingly do anything to support their favorite bands, aka “Super Fans.” In the world of Motograter fans, I have yet to find few humans that are more hyped about Moto than Blake Smith of Texas. I asked Smith if he remembered the first time he heard the music of Motograter and how it made him feel. “The first time I heard the band was when I watched their first video, ‘Suffocate.’ I was shocked, scared and amazed. The melody and the brutality of their music is what got me hooked on Motograter.” I went on to ask him to explain why he thinks people who have never been to a live Motograter show would hit up one soon. “The guys put on a badass, highly energetic show that no one should miss. I know when I see them live I feel like a powered-up monster. That is how pumped up they get me.” Another super fan, Karri Byers from Illinois, explains her deep devotion to the Moto Men, “I actually first heard of them when I watched my favorite movie remake, Chainsaw Massacre, and they played the music video for ‘Suffocate.’ I instantly fell in love. I was the only child at home and 100% misunderstood by not a few, but all my family. I was always into the metal/hard rock music. It was a weight lifter to listen to Motograter, their music literally changed my life.”

I touched base with Motogrator‘s drummer extraordinaire, Noah “Shark” Robertson, and he was, as always, more than happy to give an update on all that is Moto. “This tour is by far one of the best tours Motograter has ever done! HED PE is an amazingly talented band and they KILL IT every night! We are honored to be a part of this epic musical journey! We are seeing a lot of new faces on this run and we are grateful for all the support! The new album ‘DESOLATION’ will be out very soon and we can’t wait for everyone to hear it! MAKE AMERICA ‘GRATE’ AGAIN!” Did you all get more than a tad titillated when you read that the new album will be out very soon?? My spies at EMP Label Group state that this is true and factual. (Side note, if you were not aware, EMP is Dave Ellefson’s label, as in bassist of Megadeth, as in one of the godfathers of all things metal). Motograter will undoubtedly be touring to support the album, and who knows what amazing tour support they may bring along. It could be a label mate or two, or an act signed by Noah “Shark” Robertson’s own Swimming with Shark’s Records or Zombie Shark Records, you will just have to keep your eye’s glues on these multitalented dudes.

As always, I have attached all links that you will need to get your fill of all things Motograter!

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